Sunday, September 20, 2009

jeepers the dog, talks to maggie and aggie the cats, at the breakfast club.

while, the doggie named jeepers, ellott,diego, buddy,starbuck and maggie, jeepers the tells the very friendly cats named maggie and aggie, that jeepers and his very silly doggie friends plan to stay another day, at cobblestone square, for another day, before they all have to leave and drive-off in their doggie suv, on their on going road trip to New York City.

jeepers and all his very silly doggie are still eating breakfast at the breakfast club.

while, the dogs named jeepers, ellott, diego, and buddy, and starbuck and maggie are still eating their very big breakfasts at the breakfast club, at cobblestone square.
all of a sudden a whole bunch of silly doggies and cats who live at cobblestone square, come in to -the breakfast club, to sit down at the same table, with the dogs named jeepers and ellott and the-rest of their silly dog friends.
here are some of the names of the cats and doggies, who sat down at the same table with them,-
1.maggie, aggie, theo, simon, roger and humprey and felix, and also, cassie ,tank and clawduis and also, marybeth.

jeepers and all his very loud and silly dogs friends are having breakfast at cobblestone square

the dogs, named jeepers, buddy, diego and ellott and starbuck and maggie are siting down at a table, eating breakfast, at the breakfast club, which is at cobblestone square.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

jeepers,ellott, buddy, diego, starbuck and maggie the dogs meet the cats named maggie and aggie

the dogs named mr.jeepers ,ellott, buddy, diego,starbuck and maggie are inside cobblestone square, by the cats named maggie and aggie, other dogs and cats who live at cobblestone square, give these very silly and very loud dogs are very warm welcome.
the dogs named mr.jeepers ,ellott, buddy, diego, starbuck and maggie get to meet these other cats and dogs, at cobblestone square, there names are simon, marybeth, felix, pooh bear and theo, tank and many other dogs and cats.
the dogs ,mr.jeepers ,ellott and there rest of their friends, that came with,them, start barking at them.

jeepers ,ellot, buddy,deiago and starbuck and maggie visit cobblestone square

mr.jeepers gets lost driving his doggie suv, while driving on their way, to cobblestone square.
mr.jeepers doggie suv enters the very friendly place called cobblestone square.
mr.jeepers stops and his doggie suv, at the entrance to cobblestone square.
all the dogs inside, mr.jeepers doggie suv, get out of it and they meet 2 cats named maggie and aggie, who help run cobblestone square.

mr.jeepers picks ups and gives rides to the doggies named starbuck and maggie

while, mr.jeepers and all his doggie friends are on their way in their doggie suv, to new york city, two dogs named starbucks and maggie need a doggie ride, mr. jeepers gladly stops and pulls over his doggie suv and helps both the doggies named starbuck into his doggie suv and after a few minutes, mr.jeepers doggie suv, drives off both the dogs named starbuck and maggie in it.

Friday, September 18, 2009

jeepers and ellotts road trip to new york city

Mr, jeepers and Ellott the dogs packed up their very large doggie suv, with all their doggie suit-
-cases and giant doggie food and water coolors in their doggie suv.
the dogs named mr.jeepers and ellott invited buddy and diego the dogs , along for their very -
-long road trip to New York City.
Both the dogs named buddy and diego, brought their very large doggie suit cases ,along with-
-a very large container of dog treats and very large steaks to eat, along 200 -12 packs of-
- ice tea and doggie botted water to drink while their very long road trip to New York City.
after a few minutes ,the very large doggie suv carrying the dogs named mr.jeepers, ellott,-
-and diego and buddy, pulled out of the driveway of the doggie named mr.jeepers doggie-
-townhouse, with the very silly doggie diego the dog driving the very large doggie suv.
the windows of mr jeepers doggie suv,were so all the doggies and living near mr.jeepers-
-townhouse, could see all the doggies inside the doggie suv, barking at each other, as it was -
-driving away ,on their way, to New York City.